Zambia School Sponsorship
In 2009 Pastor Jim Crews had a burden to help with the needs he saw in Africa, so he sent a team to Zambia to see where we could help. In the capitol, Lusaka, Pastors Ernest and Laikah had pioneered an effective outreach to the forgotten street children in the Mtendere compound of the city. Their ministry has grown from bringing children from the streets and teaching them in their home to a ministry that now has a main community school, Living Hope, grades 1-9, and a rural school, Tower of Hope, in the rural area of Shantumbu.

Education in Zambia is not free and is considered a great privilege for anyone able to go to school. Many of the children at Earnest and Laikah's school are at least single orphans and the rest are considered "vulnerable" by the government, unable to pay for schooling.

How you can help
Sponsorships of $30 per month are used to give 400 children at Living Hope and 100 at Tower of Hope a hot meal every day, plus pay the salaries of the teachers, and administrators. We have been able to do special projects, 7 wells, kitchen, bibles, textbooks, uniforms, repairs, teachers training and much more. Our vision is to continue helping Ernest and Laikah (they have big vision beyond our resources) and, as God leads and provides, support other ministries there also.
Give a love offering
Your donation should not come from normal offerings (tithe) used to support our church but from what the bible calls "love offerings," money you can spend anywhere you want but have chosen to sacrifice to help someone else. 100% of school sponsorship is sent to Pastor Ernest.