Monday, March 31 @ 6:30PM
In The Main Sanctuary!

Dinner is provided.
We will also have a raffle drawing so make sure to bring cash or your card and grab your raffle tickets at the door!
We look forward to seeing you soon!

*Childcare is reserved for single mothers and mother's who do not have childcare at home. We have limited space so please only bring your hildren if you do not have childcare.

Monday, March 31
Monday, April 28

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Purchase your Women's Ministry swag today. All proceeds go to support our amazing ministry.

Did You Miss A Monday Night Connect?
Watch Our Recorded Sessions Here:

Memories Made, But Not Forgotten.

Would you like to go back in time and rewatch past seasons of Women's Ministry events from previous years? Check out our Youtube page at the button below. We've recorded and saved all of our special moments for you!

Don't Do Life Alone.
Stay Connected With Women's Ministry!

Annette Hoyt
Kellie Wanbaugh
Women's Ministry Directors
Our desire for Women’s Ministry at Valley Vegas Church is to help “DEVELOP” women to become all that God wants them to be in:

•  Their knowledge of God
•  Their walk with God
•  Their ministry to God

We offer a morning Bible Study every Saturday, at 8:00AM, in the large room upstairs located through the church office lobby. There is no fee for this study and childcare is not available. For more information, email Jan Pastorello by clicking here.

Check our events page for the time and date of the next Women’s Ministry get-together and other women’s events.

Let us know below if you have any questions or comments.