Wednesday at 6:30pm
Sunday at 9:30am & 11:30am

Classes are divided as follows:
Lower Nursery: 0 – 12 month
Upper Nursery: 12 - 24 month
Toddlers: 2 – 3 years old
Preschool: 4 – 5 years old
Lower Elementary: 1st –3rd Grade
Upper Elementary: 4th – 5th Grade


Valley's Kid's Ministry is much more than a nursery or daycare, it’s a Kid’s LAND! Kids LAND is not only the name of our ministry, it’s also our vision of what a biblical Kid’s Ministry should look like. 


Mark 10:16 (NASB) “And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them.” At Valley Kids Land we will pursue this by; Putting the Kids over our own comfort, praying for them, showing them compassion, and instilling the love of Christ in them.


 Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NASB) “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” When your child is at Valley Kids Land we will advance their knowledge of God by using bible based curriculum, scripture inspired teachings, Christ centered activities and by demonstrating God in our own lives. 


Proverbs 22:6 (NASB) “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” While at Valley Kids Land we will teach your child what living for God looks like in their own lives all while in a safe and secure place. We will give take home challenges to help transition “Church life to home life, to school life, and eventually to just life.” 


Mark 10:14 (NASB) But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Our goal at Valley Kids Land is to lead the kids through mentorship and positive engagement while supporting parents not supplanting them. Valley Kids Land wants to not only disciple kids but to also provide parents with plenty of resources to pursue spiritual parenting.

We also have an awesome wing in our building just for our children.  Each of our childcare workers have been screened through a stringent background check, and have attended our church for at least six months on a regular basis.  Each of our classrooms and nursery have at least two caregivers present at all times, and security is provided at the entrance and exit for the safety of our children.  

We have a wonderful, caring group of volunteers who have a heart for children. The children enjoy worship, a bible story or bible lesson, craft time, snack time and play time (depending on age).  Your children will not only grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, but will have a great time doing it!

Contact our Valley Kids Director, Amanda Miller, if you'd like more information!

For information on Child Baptisms or Dedications click one of the buttons below:

Child Baptism

Valley KidsLAND baptisms are a special time for families and our church.

Here are your next steps to find out more:
1) Use the video below to start a conversation with your child about baptism.
2) The baptism interview is an opportunity for the staff and volunteer leaders of Valley to talk with your child about baptism and help you determine if your child is ready to be baptized.

To request more information, please complete the form at this link.

Child Dedication

At Valley, child dedications are a joint expression of a parent’s desire to raise godly children. As a church we are committed to empower parents in that calling and help families raise God-honoring kids. We count it an honor to be entrusted with that incredible privilege.

In 1 Samuel 1:27-28, a godly woman named Hannah prayed for years for God to give her a child. He answered her prayers and she gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel. When Samuel was born, Hannah prayed these words: “I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.”

Child dedications are a time for parents, like Hannah, to commit themselves to raising their child God’s way. It’s a powerful time for parents to embrace the responsibility they’ve been given by God and to catch a vision of the impact they can make in their child’s life. We make these events special by encouraging the whole family to get involved. It’s an event families will always remember.

We invite families with children ages 0 – 5 years to participate in the dedication. Child dedications are scheduled periodically throughout the year.

If you would like more information about our next child dedications please fill out the information form at the bottom of this page.

To sign-up to have your child dedicated, please click the sign-up button below.


A week long adventure through the bible!

Stay tuned for upcoming dates for summer 2025.

What is VBS?

Vacation Bible School is a week long adventure through the bible!
Students meet Monday through Friday, from 9am to 12pm for one week and learn about Jesus Christ through videos, live skits, games, crafts and more!

VBS at Valley is free for children entering Kindergarten through children entering sixth grade.

How to help?

We offer VBS as a free event to anyone in the Las Vegas Valley, and could use your help!

As we approach our event date, we will include a list below of items you can donate.
If you'd like to contribute financially, or would like more information, please email our Children's Ministry Director, Amanda Miller.

Let us know if you'd like more information about Valley Kids.